Regulatory Management: Meeting Attendance


A Committee Member can confirm or deny their meeting attendance in one of three ways:

  • Email Notification (from either a Special Notice email or a Meeting Agenda email)
  • Committee
  • Meeting Workspace


Role: Committee Member 

Step-by-Step Process

Email Notification 

  1. From either the the "Special Notice" or "Meeting Agenda" email notifications, click the applicable link to either Confirm Attendance or Decline Attendance at the subject meeting.
  2. Click OK.


  1. Click the Committee Member role or verify it is selected on the Home Workspace.
    Committee Home
  2. Click the applicable Committee Name.
  3. Next to the applicable meeting, click the Select Activity drop-down list.
    Note You may need to advance the page list of upcoming meetings to see the desired date.
  4. Choose Confirm Attendance or Deny Attendance.
  5. Click OK.

Meeting Workspace

  1. Click the Committee Member role or verify it is selected on the Home Workspace.
    Committee Member home
  2. Click the Meetings tab.
  3. Click the Name of the meeting date.
    Note You may need to advance the page list of meetings to see the desired date.
  4. Click the applicable activity: Confirm Attendance or Decline Attendance.
    Meeting Workspace
  5. Click OK.

Note Your name will display in the applicable list (Confirmed Attendees or Declined Attendees) on the Attendees tab of the Meeting workspace.

Last Updated: 
Tuesday, September 22, 2020