The process is essentially the same but you (as protocol editor or authorized signer on both protocols) will be filling out both the receiving and the donating information. Remember that only the Authorized Signer can see the Submit Form activity!
For example, you need to donate some of Dr. John's animals to Dr. Lee, and you are an authorized signer on both of these PIs' protocols. You would first create a transfer type of animal use form from either protocol and select the role of that protocol as either donating or receiving.
In this example, let's say you are starting from the donating protocol. You create your Animal Use Form, complete the information, exit the form and then use the Submit Form activity. As soon as the submit completes, the animal use form moves to the state of "Preliminary Review" and you will see an activity called Update Recipient Transfer Form. You must complete that activity and then the Submit activity again. This time, the submit activity causes the form to move to the state of "Final Review" where the ACU Office will review your request.