When a Facility Inspector conducts a site visit, they can enter findings or deficiencies for each room with notes or recommendations in eRAM. They can then create action items and send summary emails to responsible person(s)/assignees.
Step-by-Step Process
Maintain Deficiencies/Findings
- Click ACUO Facility Inspector under My Roles.
- Click the All Scheduled Visits tab.
- Click My Activities > Maintain Findings and Deficiencies for the applicable Visit. Go to step 5.
Click on the Visit link to open the Visit Workspace. - Click Maintain Deficiencies under Activities.
- Click Add under Findings.
- Enter a Description.
- Enter or select a Deficiency Level.
- Enter or select a Deficiency Type.
Note Enter text to lookup available options or use the Filter by menu in the Select Visit Deficiency Type window. - Edit the Deficiency Text, if desired.
- Enter or add a Species, if needed.
- Enter or select the Primary Responsible Person to whom the finding is assigned.
Note This person is usually the PI. The Secondary Responsible Person is usually the Lab Personnel. - Enter or add information in the following optional fields, if desired:
- Secondary Responsible Person
- Deficiency IACUC Initial Meeting Date
- Deficiency IACUC Followup Meeting Date
- Deficiency IACUC Meeting Decision Notes
- Animal Welfare Incident
- Admin Note (a brief note)
- Admin Notes (a more detailed note)
- Documents
- Protocol(s)
- Enter or add information in the following optional fields, if desired:
- Number of Events
- Death, Harm, or Distress
- Animal Type Involved
- Enter or select the Individual Responsible for Non-Compliance Type.
- Enter or select the OLAW Metric Sub Category.
- Click OK if you’re done entering findings. Click OK and Add Another to add additional findings, if there’s more than one PI.
- Click OK at the bottom of the Maintain Findings/Deficiencies window.
Send Summary Email and Create Action Items
After the Facility Inspector has entered findings, they must create action items for those findings with a level of Deficiency. All other Deficiency Levels (i.e., Note, Suggestion for Improvement) will not get an action item. Completing this activity will send a summary email to those assigned to work the actions items.
Important If a Visit has no Findings/Deficiencies, or has a Deficiency Level of Note, Facility Inspectors don’t have to run this activity.
- Click Send Summary Email and Create Deficiency Action Items under Activities.
- Click OK.
Notes- The actions will display on the Action Items tab of the Visit Workspace.
- The deficiencies will display on the Findings/Deficiencies tab of the Visit Workspace.
- If additional deficiencies are entered, you can run the Send Summary Email and Create Deficiency Action Items activity again to assign the action items and send a new summary email.
Last Updated:
Monday, August 19, 2019