WiFi: DNS Resolver Check Step-by-Step


These instructions explain how to use the Domain Name System (DNS) Resolver Check tool to see which hosts are using the new DNS resolver IP's and which hosts still need to be updated.


  1. Click List my groups in the Navigation shortcuts section of the tool at the top of the page.
    A page displaying all of the groups you belong to opens.
  2. On the Groups page, click the applicable group link under BlueCat groups containing user <uniquename>.
    Note Groups are listed according to the groups to which your uniquename belongs.
    A page displaying all of the subnets in the selected group opens.
  3. Click on the applicable Subnet link in the Count of hosts using old and/or new DNS resolver IP table.
    A page displaying all of the hosts using the previous Internet Protocol (IP) addresses in the applicable subnet opens.
  4. Click Instructions for testing and updating DNS resolver settings to display instructions for testing and updating any DNS settings on any host that need to be resolved.
Last Updated: 
Tuesday, March 21, 2017